The Collected Blog
Trading notes from a profitable auto and semi-auto trader
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Why You Struggle to Pass Prop Firm Challenges: Proven Strategies and Tips
Explore why traders struggle with prop firm challenges and discover effective strategies to overcome these hurdles. Learn about risk management, automated trading solutions, and the impact of the MyForexFunds collapse.
My trading checklist - for consistency
Keep yourself on track with a checklist for every trade and session
How trading, jazz, freestyling are neurally correlated
Ideas to unlock and control your trading potential
Find support and resistance automatically
How to approach Support and Resistance plotting with automation
Rogue waves and chaos theory in financial markets
Can the chaotic swings of the Earth's oceans be mirrored in financial markets?
Demo of trading bot for forex - an intro
A diversified automated forex trading system that swings and scalps
Displaying live price quotes (and world times and unread email) in your i3status bar
Save clicks by displaying live prices, world times and email unread counts in your standard i3status bar