Collected Resources - February 2023

February’s discussions covered a diverse range of topics including low-risk options strategies, educational videos from various traders, and even a dive into the psychology of self-sabotage.

Low-Risk Returns with Box Spreads (January 31, 2023)

Collected introduced, a website dedicated to finding box spread trades, suggesting it as a way to make low-risk returns, similar to bonds or bills. Traderred expressed initial confusion about the concept.

Warren Buffett’s Investment Mistakes (January 31, 2023)

Collected shared a YouTube video titled “Warren Buffett: 10 Mistakes Every Investor Makes”:

This video, from the FREENVESTING channel, offers insights into common investor pitfalls, drawing on Buffett’s experience.

Ex-Gang Member Interview - Lessons in Resilience (February 1, 2023)

Collected shared a “Soft White Underbelly” interview with an ex-gang member, Johnny:

Collected suggested that, viewed from a non-religious perspective, the video contains valuable lessons applicable to life in general, including trading.

Prop Firm Information from MyFundedFX (February 1, 2023)

Collected shared another video, this time offering insights into the prop firm MyFundedFX:

This video likely explores the inner workings of the prop firm and could be relevant to those considering that path.

“Study Hard” - Mr. Beast (February 3, 2023)

Collected shared a short YouTube clip featuring Mr. Beast emphasizing the importance of hard work and study:

This short video delivers a simple but strong message: Put effort into studying.

RealPropTrader Twitter Account (February 3, 2023)

Traderred recommended following @realproptrader on Twitter, stating that their posts contained everything needed for trading, at least at Traderred’s current stage:

“The Business Plan” - The Short Bear Substack (February 3, 2023)

Traderred also shared an article from The Short Bear’s Substack, outlining a trading framework:

Collected later confirmed having done a similar exercise, and also posted a notion checklist, which they said wasn’t amazing.

Funded Trader Interview - ICT Methods (February 4, 2023)

Traderred posted a link to a Trading Nut interview with a funded trader using ICT (Inner Circle Trader) concepts:

This provides a real-world example of a trader using ICT methods and achieving significant funding.

More ICT/3x Pullbacks (14th Feb)

Collected posted another ICT video to the channel, about a ‘3x pullbacks guy’.

The Trading Model Canvas (14th Feb)

Collected also posted about a Trading Model Canvas.

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Published by and tagged mindset, options, psychology, resources and trading strategies using 376 words.
