Resources - April 2022

This page compiles resources and discussions from the Collected Trading Discord channel for April 2022.

List of Prop Firms

(April 16, 2022)

Collected, with additions from forest, shares a list of potentially worthwhile proprietary trading firms:

(April 17, 2022) This list was pinned to the channel.

100 Trade Setups

(April 19, 2022)

Collected shares a Google Drive folder containing 100 trade setups, sourced from Twitter user @GirthyRibz:

Collected notes that a prediction made by the Twitter user regarding cable (GBP/USD) was incorrect, advising caution.

Options and Market Impact

(April 21, 2022)

Collected shares resources explaining how options impact market prices, specifically focusing on:

  1. Round Numbers and Option Expiries:

  2. Gamma Scalping:

Korean Trader’s High-Leverage BTC Trade

(April 25, 2022)

Collected shares a video of a Korean streamer’s high-leverage BTC trade, initially believed to be a large loss, but later clarified as a win following a loss:

  • [비트코인] 1억6천만원 x30배 비트 롱 수익 실화냐!? 160 million KRW, x30 long profit! … (스트리머 사또 live-streamer satto)

Forex Economic Calendars and News

(April 26, 2022)

Collected provides links to resources for tracking economic events and news:

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Published by and tagged charting, crypto, education, forex, fundamentals, news, options, prop, strategies and trading using 281 words.
