This page compiles resources and discussions from the Collected Trading Discord channel for August 2022.
Price Action Trading
(August 2, 2022) forest shared an article by Steve W. on Price Action:
Intro to FVG Setups
(August 3, 2022) Jim shares a resource on FVG (Fair Value Gap) setups, a concept associated with ICT (Inner Circle Trader): *
Intro to FVG setups (ICT)Review of Every Trading Course
(August 4, 2022) traderred shares a Fat Cat video, a review of every trading course Fat Cat has taken:
traderred also shares another Fat Cat video:
Trader’s Twitch Stream
(August 7, 2022)
traderred links to a Twitch stream, describing the style as “interesting”:
ICT Twitter Account
(August 31, 2022)
Collected links to an ICT (Inner Circle Trader) Twitter account, described as “from the man himself”:
- TheCryptoWhale™️©️® (@ISeeYourStops) Jim later calls this account holder a “fuxx0r”.
Chat With Traders Podcast
(August 30, 2022) traderred shares a link to another episode of the Chat With Traders Podcast: * 239: Nicholas Bradburn – My First Year Trading Full-Time
The Trading Model Canvas
(August 26, 2022) Collected shares the Trading Model Canvas * The Trading Model Canvas
How to Lose Money with Derivatives
(August 10, 2022) Collected shares a pdf called “How to lose money with derivatives”:
Twitch Stream
(August 7, 2022) traderred presents a link to a twitch stream, commenting “interesting style imo”.
Trading Riot Video
(August 29, 2022) Traderred shares another youtube video: *
Smart Money Concepts and ICT Trading - Does it work? | TradingriotAn ICT Twitter Account
(August 31, 2022)
Collected provides a link to what he describes as “an ICT account, from the man himself”.
How to lose money in derivatives
(August 10, 2022) Collected provides a link to a pdf on how to lose money in derivatives:
The Zen Trader - Twitter
(August 2, 2022) Jim provides a link to the twitter account, “The Zen Trader”. * The Zen Trader (@PeterCa49537151)
Intro to FVG Setups
(August 3, 2022) Jim shares a link to a Youtube video introducing FVG Setups. *
Intro to FVG setups (ICT)Review of Trading Courses, and How to be Consistently Profitable
(August 4, 2022) Traderred shares a link to two Youtube videos from Fat Cat.
Win Rate In Trading
(August 25, 2022)
Traderred shares an article on Win Rate:
MyForexFunds interview
(August 16, 2022) Collected shares a link to a MyForexFunds interview, and later comments that it’s good.
- Successful Trader Interview with Kendell The interviewee compares currencies, CTFC reports, rides trends, avoids news. —